Is it worthwhile to use a hybrid photovoltaic-diesel power system for all solar projects?

Kiran Beldar · Jul 15, 2023 · 21 mins read

A solar diesel generator hybrid system is a power generation system that combines solar energy and diesel generators to provide electricity. It is designed to take advantage of the benefits of both solar power and diesel generators, optimizing energy efficiency and reducing fuel consumption.

The system consists of three main components:

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels: These panels convert sunlight into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. They generate DC (direct current) electricity, which can be used directly or converted to AC (alternating current) using inverters.

Diesel Generator: The diesel generator is a backup power source that runs on diesel fuel. It consists of an engine coupled with an alternator that produces AC electricity. The generator can be started automatically when the solar power output is insufficient to meet the demand.

Power Management System: This system is responsible for managing the power flow between the solar panels, the diesel generator, and the electrical load. It monitors the electricity demand and controls the operation of the solar panels and the diesel generator to ensure a reliable and efficient power supply.

Is it worthwhile to use a hybrid photovoltaic-diesel power system for all solar projects?-img

Fig. No. 01: Solar Diesel Generator Hybrid System (Source:

The operation of a solar diesel generator hybrid system is typically as follows:

Solar Power Generation: During daylight hours, the solar PV panels generate electricity from the sunlight. This electricity is either used directly to power the electrical load or stored in batteries for later use.

Battery Storage: If the solar power generation exceeds the immediate demand, the excess electricity is stored in batteries. Batteries serve as an energy buffer, allowing the system to supply power during periods of low solar irradiance or at night when solar power is unavailable.

Load Demand: The electrical load (devices, appliances, etc.) connected to the system consumes the electricity generated by solar panels or supplied by the batteries. The power management system monitors the load demand and ensures that it is met.

Solar Insufficiency: If the solar power output is insufficient to meet the load demand or charge the batteries, the power management system activates the diesel generator. The generator starts and provides the additional power required to meet the demand. This can occur during periods of high electricity demand, low solar irradiance, or battery depletion.

Hybrid Operation: During periods of high solar power availability, the power management system can automatically reduce the operation of the diesel generator or switch it off completely to maximize the use of renewable energy. When solar power is abundant, it takes priority over the diesel generator to save fuel and reduce emissions.

The solar diesel generator hybrid system offers several advantages. It utilizes renewable solar energy, reducing dependency on fossil fuel-based power sources and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. It also provides increased energy reliability by combining the intermittent solar power with the constant availability of the diesel generator. Additionally, the system can reduce operational costs by minimizing fuel consumption and maintenance requirements of the diesel generator.

Overall, a solar diesel generator hybrid system offers an efficient and environmentally friendly solution for generating electricity, especially in areas with limited grid access or unreliable power supply.

Is Photovoltaics Diesel generator hybrid system is worth for all solar project?

A photovoltaic (PV) diesel generator hybrid system may not be suitable or worth implementing for all solar projects. The decision to use a hybrid system depends on various factors such as project requirements, location, electricity demand, and cost considerations. Here are some points to consider:

Energy Demand Profile: Hybrid systems are often used in situations where the energy demand is relatively high and constant throughout the day or when there is a need for backup power. If the energy demand is low or sporadic, a standalone solar PV system without a diesel generator may be sufficient.

Solar Resource Availability: The viability of a hybrid system depends on the solar resource availability at the project site. If the location receives ample sunlight throughout the year, a standalone solar PV system could be more cost-effective compared to a hybrid system. However, if the solar resource is limited or intermittent, the diesel generator can provide backup power during periods of low solar irradiance.

Grid Availability and Reliability: If the project site has a reliable grid connection, it may be more economical to rely on grid power as a backup source instead of investing in a diesel generator. However, in areas with unreliable or no grid access, a hybrid system can provide a stable and independent power supply.

Cost Considerations: The cost of a hybrid system includes the upfront investment in PV panels, batteries, inverters, and the diesel generator, as well as ongoing fuel and maintenance costs. It is important to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to evaluate whether the additional expenses of the hybrid system are justified based on factors like energy savings, fuel costs, and the availability of subsidies or incentives.

Environmental Impact: One of the advantages of solar PV systems is their low environmental impact compared to diesel generators. If reducing carbon emissions and environmental sustainability are priorities for the project, a standalone solar PV system without a diesel generator may be a more suitable choice.

In summary, the decision to implement a PV diesel generator hybrid system depends on the specific requirements and circumstances of the solar project. It is crucial to evaluate the energy demand, solar resource availability, grid access, cost considerations, and environmental impact to determine the most appropriate and cost-effective solution for each project.

Components of Solar Diesel Generator hybrid system:

A solar diesel generator hybrid system typically consists of the following components:

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels: These panels are the primary component of the solar portion of the system. They convert sunlight into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. The number and capacity of the PV panels depend on the desired power output and energy requirements of the system.

Inverters: PV panels generate direct current (DC) electricity, which needs to be converted into alternating current (AC) for use in most electrical applications. Inverters are used to convert the DC power from the solar panels into AC power that can be used by electrical loads or fed into the grid.

Batteries: Batteries are an essential component of a hybrid system, as they store excess solar energy generated during the day for use during periods of low solar irradiance or at night. They provide a buffer to ensure a continuous power supply and can also serve as a backup power source in case of system failures or emergencies.

Charge Controller: The charge controller regulates the charging and discharging of the batteries. It ensures that the batteries are charged efficiently from the solar panels, preventing overcharging or deep discharging, which can damage the batteries.

Diesel Generator: The diesel generator serves as a backup power source when solar energy is insufficient to meet the demand or during prolonged periods of low solar irradiance. It consists of an engine coupled with an alternator that produces AC electricity. The generator can be automated to start and stop based on the system's power requirements or can be manually operated.

Power Management System: This system controls and manages the power flow between the solar panels, batteries, and the diesel generator. It monitors the system's energy demand, solar energy generation, battery state of charge, and automatically controls the operation of the components to optimize energy efficiency and reliability.

Control and Monitoring Equipment: This includes various sensors, meters, and control devices that monitor and regulate the system's performance. It allows users to monitor energy production, battery status, and overall system operation. It may include interfaces for remote monitoring and control.

Electrical Load: The electrical load refers to the devices, appliances, or machinery that consume electrical energy. It can include lights, motors, appliances, or any other electrical equipment that requires power. The hybrid system provides electricity to meet the demand of these loads.

These components work together to ensure a reliable and efficient power supply by utilizing solar energy as the primary source and the diesel generator as a backup or supplementary power source when needed. The power management system optimizes the operation of the components to maximize energy efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and maintain a consistent power supply.

What is  PV Diesel synchronization device:

A PV Diesel synchronization device, also known as a PV-Diesel hybrid controller or a hybrid power management system, is a device or control system used in solar diesel generator hybrid systems. Its main function is to manage the operation and synchronization of the solar PV system and the diesel generator, ensuring optimal performance and efficient power generation.

The PV Diesel synchronization device performs several key functions, including:

Power Management: The device monitors the power demand from the electrical load and determines whether it should be met by the solar PV system, the batteries, or the diesel generator. It optimizes the power distribution between these sources to ensure the most efficient use of available energy resources.

Solar PV Integration: The synchronization device coordinates the operation of the solar PV system, including the PV panels and inverters. It monitors the solar energy generation and regulates the power flow to match the demand. It ensures that the solar power is used first before resorting to the diesel generator, maximizing the utilization of renewable energy.

Diesel Generator Control: When solar energy is insufficient or during periods of high power demand, the synchronization device controls the starting, stopping, and operation of the diesel generator. It ensures that the generator provides the required power output and maintains synchronization with the electrical load to maintain a stable and reliable power supply.

Synchronization and Load Balancing: The device manages the synchronization between the solar PV system and the diesel generator to ensure a seamless transition between the power sources. It controls the connection and disconnection of the generator to the load to avoid disruptions or power fluctuations. It also optimizes the load balancing between the solar and diesel sources to avoid overloading or underutilization.

Battery Management: If the system includes battery storage, the synchronization device monitors the battery state of charge and manages the charging and discharging process. It ensures that the batteries are charged efficiently from the solar PV system and used optimally during periods of high demand or low solar energy availability.

Monitoring and Protection: The synchronization device provides monitoring and protection features to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the hybrid system. It monitors various parameters such as voltage, frequency, and power levels to detect abnormalities or faults. It can activate protective measures, such as load shedding or system shutdown, to prevent damage to the equipment or electrical system.

Overall, the PV Diesel synchronization device plays a crucial role in optimizing the performance, efficiency, and reliability of solar diesel generator hybrid systems. It coordinates the operation of the solar PV system, batteries, and the diesel generator to ensure a seamless and efficient power supply while maximizing the utilization of renewable energy sources.

What is problem in working of PV Diesel Generator hybrid system?

While PV Diesel Generator hybrid systems offer numerous benefits, they can also encounter certain challenges or problems in their operation. Some common issues include:

System Sizing and Design: One of the challenges is accurately sizing the system components, including the PV array, battery capacity, and generator size, to match the energy demand. If the system is undersized, it may not meet the load requirements, leading to frequent generator operation and increased fuel consumption. Oversizing can result in higher upfront costs and underutilization of renewable energy.

Energy Imbalance: Maintaining the balance between solar energy generation, battery storage, and generator operation can be challenging. If the power management system does not efficiently regulate the energy flow, it may lead to underutilization or overcharging of batteries, excessive generator use, or a mismatch between energy supply and demand.

Synchronization Issues: Achieving smooth synchronization between the PV system and the diesel generator can be a challenge. Improper synchronization can result in voltage and frequency fluctuations, leading to unstable power supply, damage to equipment, or even system failure. It is crucial to ensure the correct sizing and compatibility of the inverter and generator control systems.

Load Variations: Fluctuations in the electrical load demand can pose challenges to the system. If the load changes rapidly or unpredictably, it can lead to frequent switching between the PV system and the generator, causing increased wear and tear on the generator and potentially impacting its efficiency and lifespan.

Maintenance and Operations: Hybrid systems require regular maintenance and monitoring to ensure optimal performance. The diesel generator needs routine maintenance, fuel supply, and periodic testing. The PV system may require cleaning and inspection to maintain optimal solar energy generation. Adequate training and resources are necessary for proper system operation and maintenance.

Cost and Economics: The initial investment and ongoing costs of a PV Diesel Generator hybrid system can be significant. The costs of PV panels, batteries, inverters, and the diesel generator should be carefully evaluated against the anticipated savings in fuel consumption and operational costs. The availability of incentives, subsidies, or favorable financing options can also impact the economic viability of the system.

Addressing these challenges requires careful system design, proper sizing and selection of components, effective power management and control, and regular maintenance. It is essential to consult experienced professionals and conduct a thorough feasibility study and cost analysis to ensure the successful implementation and operation of a PV Diesel Generator hybrid system.

What is DG hunting in Solar Diesel Generator Hybrid System:

In a Solar Diesel Generator (DG) hybrid system, DG hunting refers to a phenomenon where the diesel generator component of the system repeatedly starts and stops or experiences rapid load fluctuations. It can occur when the solar PV system and the diesel generator are working together to meet the energy demand. DG hunting in a Solar DG hybrid system shares similar causes and characteristics as mentioned earlier. Here are some specific aspects related to DG hunting in a Solar DG hybrid system:

Load Variations: In a Solar DG hybrid system, the load demand may vary due to changes in sunlight availability. If the solar energy generation fluctuates rapidly or unpredictably, the system may transition between relying on solar power and the diesel generator frequently, causing hunting behavior in the generator.

Control and Synchronization: Proper control and synchronization between the solar PV system and the diesel generator are crucial to avoiding DG hunting. If the control system is not well-designed or fails to coordinate the power supply between the solar and diesel sources efficiently, it can lead to instability and hunting in the generator.

Solar PV System Performance: The performance of the solar PV system, including the number and capacity of PV panels and the efficiency of the inverters, can impact the occurrence of DG hunting. If the solar PV system is not adequately sized or if there are performance issues, such as intermittent shading or system faults, it can lead to rapid changes in power output and trigger hunting behavior in the generator.

Battery Management: In a Solar DG hybrid system, batteries are often used to store excess solar energy for later use. If the battery management system is not properly configured or if there are issues with battery charging or discharging, it can result in unstable energy flow, forcing the diesel generator to start and stop frequently, causing DG hunting.

Addressing DG hunting in a Solar DG hybrid system requires careful system design, effective control algorithms, and proper synchronization between the solar and diesel components. It is essential to ensure that the system components are correctly sized, that load sharing is balanced, and that the control system can respond smoothly to variations in solar energy generation and load demand.

Regular monitoring, maintenance, and adjustment of the system parameters can help minimize DG hunting and ensure a stable and reliable operation of the Solar DG hybrid system.

How to design the solar diesel generator hybrid system:

Designing a solar diesel generator hybrid system involves several steps and considerations to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Here is a general outline of the design process:

Assess Energy Requirements: Determine the energy demand of the system by evaluating the electrical load profile, including peak load, average load, and load variations throughout the day or year. This assessment will help determine the system's capacity requirements.

Solar Resource Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the solar resource at the project site. Assess factors such as solar irradiance levels, shading, and orientation of the PV panels to estimate the solar energy generation potential. This analysis helps determine the size and capacity of the solar PV system.

Sizing the Components: Based on the energy requirements and solar resource analysis, size the various system components. Determine the number and capacity of the solar PV panels, batteries for energy storage, and the diesel generator. Consider factors such as solar panel efficiency, battery capacity, and generator power output to ensure a balanced and efficient system design.

Power Management and Control: Implement a power management system that includes control algorithms to monitor the energy demand, solar energy generation, battery state of charge, and load balancing. The control system should coordinate the operation of the solar PV system, batteries, and the diesel generator, ensuring efficient energy utilization and smooth transitions between power sources.

Synchronization and Control of the Diesel Generator: Ensure proper synchronization between the solar PV system and the diesel generator to prevent instability and hunting. Implement control mechanisms that monitor and regulate the generator's speed, voltage, and frequency to maintain a stable and reliable power supply.

Battery Management and Charging: Design a battery management system that efficiently charges and discharges the batteries based on the solar energy availability and load demand. Implement charge controllers and monitoring systems to protect the batteries from overcharging or deep discharging.

Safety and Protection: Incorporate safety measures and protection devices to safeguard the system components, electrical load, and personnel. Implement mechanisms to prevent issues such as overvoltage, overcurrent, short circuits, and excessive heat.

System Integration and Wiring: Ensure proper integration of all components and wiring to facilitate smooth operation and minimize electrical losses. Follow electrical codes and standards to maintain a safe and reliable system.

Monitoring and Maintenance: Install monitoring systems to track the performance of the system, including solar energy generation, battery status, and generator operation. Regularly inspect and maintain the components, including cleaning the solar panels, checking connections, and conducting routine maintenance on the diesel generator.

Economic Analysis: Evaluate the economic feasibility of the hybrid system, including the upfront investment, ongoing operational costs, and potential savings in fuel consumption. Consider factors such as payback period, return on investment, and the availability of incentives or subsidies.

It is important to consult with experienced professionals, such as system designers or renewable energy experts, to ensure a comprehensive and efficient design for the solar diesel generator hybrid system. Local regulations, environmental factors, and specific project requirements should also be taken into account during the design process.

Operation and Maintenance of solar diesel generator hybrid system

The operation and maintenance of a solar diesel generator hybrid system are crucial for ensuring its long-term performance, reliability, and efficiency. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Regular Monitoring: Implement a monitoring system to track the performance of the system components, including solar PV panels, batteries, and the diesel generator. Monitor parameters such as solar energy generation, battery state of charge, fuel consumption, generator runtime, and electrical load demand. This helps identify any anomalies or performance issues promptly.

Maintenance Schedule: Establish a maintenance schedule to perform routine inspections, cleaning, and maintenance tasks. This includes cleaning the solar panels to remove dust or debris that can reduce their efficiency, checking and tightening electrical connections, and inspecting the generator for any leaks, abnormal noises, or signs of wear and tear.

Battery Maintenance: If the system includes battery storage, implement proper battery maintenance procedures. This includes regular checks of battery health, ensuring proper ventilation, monitoring and adjusting charge levels, and replacing batteries when their capacity diminishes over time.

Fuel Management: Proper fuel management is critical for the diesel generator. Ensure that the fuel supply is regularly monitored, and storage tanks are kept clean and free from contaminants. Use high-quality fuel and follow proper fuel handling and storage practices to minimize fuel-related issues.

Generator Maintenance: Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the maintenance of the diesel generator. This includes regular oil and filter changes, fuel filter replacement, air filter cleaning/replacement, and inspection of engine components. Keep maintenance records and perform major servicing or repairs as recommended by the manufacturer.

Control System Calibration: Periodically calibrate and verify the control system of the hybrid system to ensure accurate measurement and control of parameters such as voltage, frequency, and load sharing. Consult the system documentation or manufacturer guidelines for calibration procedures.

Load Management: Optimize the load management strategy to ensure efficient use of available energy sources. Fine-tune the power management system to balance the energy flow between the solar PV system, batteries, and the diesel generator based on load demand and solar energy availability. Regularly review and adjust the load management settings as needed.

Training and Documentation: Ensure that operators and maintenance personnel receive proper training on the operation and maintenance of the hybrid system. Document all system configurations, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting steps. This helps facilitate knowledge transfer, ensure consistent operations, and streamline future maintenance efforts.

Emergency Preparedness: Develop and implement contingency plans for power outages or emergencies. Ensure that the system is equipped with appropriate safety devices and backup mechanisms. Perform periodic tests of the emergency power supply and evaluate the effectiveness of the backup systems.

Performance Evaluation and Optimization: Regularly evaluate the performance of the hybrid system by analyzing energy production, fuel consumption, and overall system efficiency. Identify areas for improvement and implement optimization strategies to enhance the system's performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

By following these operation and maintenance practices, a solar diesel generator hybrid system can be operated efficiently, ensuring consistent power supply, minimizing downtime, and maximizing the use of renewable energy while reducing reliance on the diesel generator.


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