Various Free Software for Solar Radiation Assessment for Designing Solar Power Plant

Kiran Beldar · Aug 3, 2023 · 23 mins read

Various Types of Free software’s we can use to do solar radiation assessment:

Several free software tools are available for conducting solar radiation assessment. These tools offer basic solar resource analysis capabilities, and while they might not be as comprehensive as some commercial options, they can still provide valuable information for smaller-scale projects or initial feasibility studies. Here are some popular free software options:

Meteonorm: Meteonorm is a widely-used software tool for calculating meteorological data, including solar radiation, based on historical weather data. Here's how you can find solar radiation data in Meteonorm.

PVWatts: PVWatts is a free online tool provided by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the United States. It allows users to estimate the electricity generation and cost savings of grid-connected solar energy systems based on location-specific solar radiation data.

HelioScope Free: HelioScope offers a free version of its software, which enables basic solar PV system design and energy production calculations. It allows users to design solar layouts, perform shading analysis, and assess energy yield for residential and small commercial projects.

Google Project Sunroof: Google Project Sunroof is an online tool that provides solar potential assessments for individual addresses. It uses Google Maps data and satellite imagery to estimate the solar potential of rooftops, considering factors like shading, local weather patterns, and the roof's orientation.

SolarGIS Free Maps: SolarGIS offers free online solar radiation maps based on satellite data. These maps can provide an initial estimate of the solar resource at specific locations worldwide.

SOLARGIS .info: provides free access to a solar radiation database and various solar resource maps. It offers information on global horizontal irradiance (GHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI) for specific locations.

RETScreen: RETScreen is a free software tool developed by the Government of Canada for evaluating renewable energy projects, including solar. It provides a basic analysis of solar radiation and energy production for various technologies.

PVsyst Evaluation Version: While PVsyst is a commercial software, it offers a free evaluation version with limited functionality. The evaluation version allows users to analyze a limited number of components and locations to assess the software's capabilities.

How to find solar radiation data in meteonorm:

Install Meteonorm: If you haven't already, download and install the Meteonorm software on your computer. You can find the software on the Meteotest website or other authorized distributors.

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Select Location: Open Meteonorm and choose the location for which you want to obtain solar radiation data. You can either select a location from the provided database or manually input the latitude, longitude, and altitude of your site.

Select Parameters: Once you have chosen the location, go to the "Climate" or "Meteorological Data" section in Meteonorm. Here, you can specify the parameters you need, including solar radiation data. Meteonorm provides various parameters such as global horizontal irradiance (GHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI).

Time Period: You can specify the time period for which you want to obtain solar radiation data. Depending on the availability of historical data for the chosen location, you can select the years or months for the analysis.

Data Output: After selecting the parameters and time period, you can generate the solar radiation data for the chosen location. Meteonorm will provide data in the form of hourly, daily, or monthly values, depending on your preferences.

Save and Export Data: Once you have obtained the solar radiation data, you can save it within the Meteonorm software or export it in various formats (e.g., CSV, Excel) for further analysis or use in other solar energy simulation software.

It's essential to keep in mind that the accuracy and availability of solar radiation data in Meteonorm depend on the database's coverage for the selected location. For some remote or less-populated areas, the data may be less accurate or might not be available at all. In such cases, it may be necessary to use alternative data sources or consult with local meteorological agencies to obtain more precise solar radiation data.

How to find solar radiation data in PVWatt:

PVWatts is an online tool provided by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the United States. It allows users to estimate the electricity generation and cost savings of grid-connected solar energy systems based on location-specific solar radiation data. Here's how to find solar radiation data in PVWatts:

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Access PVWatts Tool: Go to the PVWatts website ( to access the PVWatts tool.

Enter Location Details: On the PVWatts homepage, you will see a map of the United States. You can either click on your specific location on the map or enter your location's address, city, state, or ZIP code in the search bar.

System Details: After selecting the location, you will be taken to the "System Info" page. Here, you need to provide details about the solar PV system you want to analyze, including system size, module type, array type, tilt angle, and azimuth angle.

Electricity Cost and Financial Assumptions: On the same page, you can also provide information about the electricity cost, system cost, and other financial assumptions to estimate the cost savings and financial performance of the solar PV system.

Submit and View Results: Once you have entered all the required information, click on the "Calculate" button. PVWatts will process the data and provide the results on the next page.

Solar Radiation Data: On the results page, you will find various pieces of information related to the solar PV system's performance. The "Monthly Solar Radiation" section provides solar radiation data for each month of the year in kilowatt-hours per square meter (kWh/m²). This data represents the amount of solar energy available at the location, which the PV system can convert into electricity.

Hourly Data: PVWatts also provides an option to view or download hourly solar radiation data for each month. By clicking on the "Hourly" link, you can access the solar radiation values for each hour of the day, which can be useful for more detailed analyses.

Please note that PVWatts provides estimates based on typical weather data for a location. The actual solar radiation and energy production may vary due to year-to-year weather variations and other site-specific factors. PVWatts is a valuable tool for initial solar project assessments, but for more precise and site-specific solar resource data, it's recommended to use detailed solar resource assessment software or consult with a solar energy professional who can provide more accurate data based on specific meteorological databases and site measurements.

How to find solar radiation data in PVGIS:

PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information System) is an online tool provided by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). It offers solar radiation and photovoltaic electricity potential assessment for specific locations in Europe and other regions. Here's how to find solar radiation data in PVGIS:

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Access PVGIS Tool: Go to the PVGIS website ( to access the PVGIS tool.

Choose the PVGIS Tool: On the PVGIS tools page, you will find various tools related to solar energy, including solar radiation data. Look for the tool titled "PVGIS-Solar Radiation."

Enter Location Details: Once you access the PVGIS Solar Radiation tool, you need to enter the location details for which you want to obtain solar radiation data. You can specify the location by clicking on the map or entering the latitude and longitude coordinates manually.

Select Parameters: After selecting the location, you can specify the parameters you need for the solar radiation assessment. PVGIS provides various parameters such as global horizontal irradiance (GHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI).

Time Period: You can choose the time period for which you want to obtain solar radiation data. PVGIS provides historical data and also allows you to estimate solar radiation for the future based on typical meteorological year (TMY) data.

Data Output: After specifying the parameters and time period, click on the "Calculate" button. PVGIS will process the data and provide the solar radiation results for the selected location.

Monthly and Yearly Data: PVGIS will display the solar radiation data in graphical and tabular formats. You can view monthly and yearly solar radiation values in kilowatt-hours per square meter (kWh/m²) for the specified location.

Hourly Data and Maps: PVGIS also allows you to access hourly solar radiation data and maps for the chosen location, which can provide more detailed information about the solar resource throughout the day.

How to find solar radiation data in NASA database:

NASA provides access to solar radiation data through various satellite missions and databases. One of the most widely used sources for solar radiation data from NASA is the NASA Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) dataset. Here's how you can find solar radiation data in the NASA SSE database:

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Access the NASA SSE website: Go to the NASA SSE website, which is part of the NASA Langley Research Center Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC). The URL is

Data Access: On the NASA SSE website, you can access solar radiation data through the "Data Access" section. You will find options to search and retrieve solar radiation data for specific locations and time periods.

Choose Data Parameters: Select the desired data parameters for solar radiation, such as global horizontal irradiance (GHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI).

Select Location and Time Period: Enter the location details (latitude and longitude) for which you want to obtain solar radiation data. You can also specify the time period of interest for the data retrieval.

Data Retrieval: After specifying the parameters and location, click on the "Submit" or "Retrieve Data" button. The NASA SSE database will process your request and provide the solar radiation data for the selected location and time period.

Data Format and Download: The retrieved solar radiation data will typically be available in various formats, such as CSV, NetCDF, or ASCII. You can choose the format that best suits your needs and download the data for further analysis.

It's important to note that accessing NASA's solar radiation data may require registration or acceptance of specific terms and conditions. Additionally, NASA provides solar radiation data from various satellite missions and research projects, so there may be multiple sources of data available through different NASA databases.

For more specialized solar radiation data and advanced solar energy applications, researchers and professionals may access other NASA datasets, such as those obtained from the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) or the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) mission.

For the most up-to-date information and access to NASA's solar radiation data, I recommend visiting the official NASA SSE website or exploring the available datasets through the NASA Earthdata Search tool (

How to find solar radiation data in Helioscope free version:

HelioScope offers a free version that allows users to perform basic solar PV system design and energy production calculations. However, it's important to note that the free version may have limited features compared to the paid version. Here's how to find solar radiation data in the HelioScope free version:

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Access the HelioScope Tool: Go to the HelioScope website ( and sign in or create a new account. If you are using the free version, you may need to register for an account to access the tool.

Create a New Project: Once you are logged in, you can create a new solar project by entering the project location details (address, coordinates, or selecting a location on the map).

System Design: After creating the project, you can begin designing the solar PV system. Enter details about the system, such as the module type, inverter, tilt angle, azimuth, and system capacity.

Shading Analysis: HelioScope allows you to perform a shading analysis to assess the impact of obstructions on the solar panels' performance. This can help optimize the system layout for maximum energy production.

Solar Radiation Data: HelioScope uses solar radiation data from various sources to estimate the energy production of the solar PV system. The tool typically uses regional solar databases and weather data to provide solar irradiance information for the specified location.

View Energy Production Estimates: Once you have completed the system design and shading analysis, HelioScope will provide estimates of the energy production potential for the solar PV system based on the solar radiation data and other system parameters.

Export Data: In the free version of HelioScope, you may have limitations on data export options. However, you can often view the energy production estimates within the tool or take screenshots for reference.

It's important to remember that the HelioScope free version may have limitations compared to the paid version, which could include access to more advanced features, higher-resolution solar radiation data, and additional export options. If you require more comprehensive and precise solar radiation data or advanced analysis capabilities, you may consider upgrading to the paid version of HelioScope or using other solar resource assessment tools.

How to find solar radiation data in Google project sunroof:

Google Project Sunroof is an online tool that provides solar potential assessments for individual addresses in certain regions. It uses Google Maps data and satellite imagery to estimate the solar potential of rooftops, considering factors like shading, local weather patterns, and the roof's orientation. Here's how to find solar radiation data in Google Project Sunroof:

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Access Google Project Sunroof: Go to the Google Project Sunroof website ( to access the tool.

Enter Address: On the Project Sunroof homepage, you will see a map. Enter your specific address in the search bar, or allow the website to access your location if you are using a device with GPS capabilities.

Assessment Results: After entering the address, Project Sunroof will analyze the rooftop's solar potential based on various factors. The tool will estimate the solar energy potential for the rooftop in terms of the percentage of suitable rooftop area for solar panels and the potential electricity generation in kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year.

View Solar Radiation Data: While Project Sunroof provides solar potential estimates, it does not directly display solar radiation data in kilowatt-hours per square meter (kWh/m²) or other specific solar radiation metrics. Instead, it offers a simplified assessment to determine the rooftop's suitability for solar panels.

Additional Information: Project Sunroof may provide additional information, such as estimated cost savings, system size recommendations, and potential environmental impact.

Explore the Map: You can also explore the map to view the solar potential of other locations in the area and compare different rooftops.

Contact Solar Providers: If you are interested in proceeding with a solar installation, Project Sunroof provides contact information for solar providers in your area who can conduct a more detailed solar energy assessment and help with the installation process.

It's important to note that while Project Sunroof offers a useful initial assessment of solar potential, it is not intended to provide detailed solar radiation data for scientific or engineering purposes. For more accurate and precise solar resource assessment, especially for larger-scale solar projects, it's advisable to use specialized solar resource assessment tools or consult with solar energy professionals who can provide more comprehensive solar radiation data and analysis.

How to find solar radiation data in Solar GIS Free maps:

SolarGIS offers free solar radiation data through its online platform. SolarGIS provides solar resource maps and data for various regions worldwide. Here's how to find solar radiation data in SolarGIS Free maps:

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Access SolarGIS Website: Go to the SolarGIS website ( to access the SolarGIS online platform.

Select Region or Location: On the SolarGIS website, you will find a map of the world with various regions highlighted. You can either click on the desired region or manually search for a specific location using the search bar.

Choose Solar Radiation Data: Once you have selected the region or location, you will be presented with a list of available solar radiation data options. SolarGIS offers parameters such as global horizontal irradiance (GHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI).

Select Time Period: Depending on the available data, you may be able to choose the time period for which you want to obtain solar radiation data. SolarGIS typically provides historical data for specific years or time ranges.

Data Output: After specifying the parameters and time period, SolarGIS will process your request and provide the solar radiation data for the selected location and time period.

View Solar Radiation Maps: In addition to numerical data, SolarGIS offers solar radiation maps for the chosen location. These maps provide visual representations of the solar resource, including the distribution of solar radiation values across the area.

Data Formats and Download: SolarGIS typically provides solar radiation data in various formats, such as CSV, NetCDF, or ASCII. You can choose the format that best suits your needs and download the data for further analysis.

It's important to note that while SolarGIS offers free solar radiation data through its online platform, the free maps and data may have certain limitations in terms of data resolution or available parameters. For more precise and comprehensive solar resource assessment, especially for larger-scale solar projects, it may be necessary to use more specialized solar resource assessment tools or consult with solar energy professionals who have access to high-resolution solar radiation data and advanced analysis capabilities.

How to find solar radiation data in SOLARGIS .info: offers solar radiation and photovoltaic electricity potential assessment through its online platform. SOLARGIS provides accurate solar data using satellite-based and ground-based measurements. Here's how to find solar radiation data in

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Access Website: Go to the website ( to access the online platform.

Select Region or Location: On the website, you will find a map of the world. You can either click on the desired region or manually search for a specific location using the search bar.

Choose Solar Radiation Data: Once you have selected the region or location, will provide various options for solar radiation data. The platform typically offers parameters such as global horizontal irradiance (GHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI).

Select Time Period: Depending on the available data, you may be able to choose the time period for which you want to obtain solar radiation data. typically provides historical data for specific years or time ranges.

Data Output: After specifying the parameters and time period, will process your request and provide the solar radiation data for the selected location and time period.

View Solar Radiation Maps: In addition to numerical data, offers solar radiation maps for the chosen location. These maps provide visual representations of the solar resource, including the distribution of solar radiation values across the area.

Data Formats and Download: typically provides solar radiation data in various formats, such as CSV, NetCDF, or ASCII. You can choose the format that best suits your needs and download the data for further analysis.

It's important to note that is a comprehensive solar data platform, and while it may offer some free data access options, there may be limitations on the available data resolution or parameters in the free version. For more precise and comprehensive solar resource assessment, especially for larger-scale solar projects, it may be necessary to use the paid versions of SOLARGIS or consult with solar energy professionals who have access to high-resolution solar radiation data and advanced analysis capabilities.

How to find solar radiation data in RETScreen:

RETScreen is a software tool developed by the Government of Canada for evaluating renewable energy projects, including solar. RETScreen provides a user-friendly interface to assess the energy production, cost, and greenhouse gas emissions reductions of various renewable energy technologies, including solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. Here's how to find solar radiation data in RETScreen:

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Download and Install RETScreen: If you haven't already, download and install the RETScreen software on your computer. You can find the software on the RETScreen website (

Create a New Project: Once you have installed RETScreen, open the software and create a new project for the solar PV assessment.

Enter Project Details: In the new project, you will need to enter project details such as location, system capacity, module type, and other parameters related to the solar PV system you want to analyze.

Select Solar Radiation Data: RETScreen uses solar radiation data from various sources to estimate the energy production of the solar PV system. In the project setup, you will have the option to choose the solar radiation data source. RETScreen typically offers built-in data sources based on weather station data or satellite-derived data.

Specify Time Period: Depending on the available data, you may be able to specify the time period for which you want to obtain solar radiation data. RETScreen provides historical data for specific years or time ranges.

Data Retrieval: After specifying the parameters and time period, RETScreen will retrieve the solar radiation data for the selected location and time range.

View and Analyze Results: RETScreen will use the solar radiation data and other project parameters to estimate the energy production and financial performance of the solar PV system. You can view the results in various graphs, tables, and reports.

Save and Export Data: RETScreen allows you to save the project data and export the results for further analysis or documentation.

It's important to note that RETScreen provides a simplified solar energy assessment, and the solar radiation data used in the software may have limitations in terms of data resolution or coverage. For more accurate and detailed solar resource assessment, especially for larger-scale solar projects, it's advisable to use specialized solar resource assessment tools or consult with solar energy professionals who can provide more comprehensive solar radiation data and analysis.

How to find solar radiation data in PVSyst Evaluation Version:

PVSyst is a widely-used software tool for designing and simulating photovoltaic systems. The PVSyst evaluation version is a free version of the software with limited functionality. While the evaluation version allows users to explore PVSyst's capabilities, it may have some restrictions on data access and export options. Here's how to find solar radiation data in PVSyst Evaluation Version:

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Download and Install PVSyst: If you haven't already, download and install the PVSyst Evaluation Version on your computer. You can find the software on the PVSyst website (

Create a New Project: Open PVSyst and create a new project for the solar PV system analysis.

Enter Project Details: In the new project, you will need to enter project details such as location, system capacity, module type, inverter, and other parameters related to the solar PV system you want to analyze.

Solar Radiation Data Access: The PVSyst Evaluation Version may offer limited access to solar radiation data compared to the full commercial version. In the evaluation version, you may have access to PVSyst's built-in solar radiation database, which provides solar irradiance data for specific locations worldwide.

Select Location: Choose the location for your solar PV system from the available list of locations in the built-in database. PVSyst's database includes solar radiation data for various global locations.

Data Retrieval: Once you have selected the location, PVSyst will retrieve the solar radiation data for that location from its built-in database.

View and Analyze Results: PVSyst will use the solar radiation data and other project parameters to simulate the energy production and performance of the solar PV system. You can view the results in various graphs, tables, and reports.

Save and Export Data: The evaluation version of PVSyst may have limitations on data export options. While you can explore the simulation results within the software, data export options may be restricted in the free version.

It's important to note that the PVSyst Evaluation Version is intended to provide users with an overview of the software's capabilities. For more accurate and detailed solar resource assessment, especially for larger-scale solar projects, it's advisable to use the full commercial version of PVSyst or consult with solar energy professionals who have access to high-resolution solar radiation data and advanced analysis capabilities.


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